What is the significance of a Guru, and Why should we have a Guru in our life?
In this chapter, I will be narrating the story about the importance of a Guru and why should we have a Guru in our life?
The Guru is the doorway to God. One cannot attain Self or God-realization without a Guru. The Guru is also the remover of darkness or ignorance and the illuminer of knowledge. One a devotee asked – “Baba, where to go?” Baba said, “High-up.” The devotee asked, “How is the way?” Baba replied, There are many ways there; there is one way also from Shirdi. However, the path is difficult. There are wild animals such as tigers and wolves in the jungles on the way. The devotee asked, “Baba, what if we take a guide with us?” Baba answered, – “Then there will be no difficulty. The guide will take you straight to your destination, avoiding the tigers, wolves, and ditches on the way. If there was no guide, there is lies the danger of your being lost in the jungles or falling into the ditches.”
The philosophical significance of the necessity of a Guru – The guide in this story represents the ‘Guru.’ The jungle is the material world in which we live, and the wild animals such as the tigers and wolves represent the six shadripus in our life. The Guru is the helmsman who will shore us across the ocean of worldly existence. He will perfectly navigate and guide us to overcome the dangers ad pitfall that lies on the path. The six shadripus such as Kama (lust), Krodha (Anger), Lobha (Greed), Moda (Arrogance), Moha (Delusion), and Matsarya (Jealousy), are the biggest enemies of our mind which impede our spiritual progress. Only with the Guru’s grace can one conquer the six inner enemies and attain devotion unto the Lotus Feet of the Guru. Remember, Only those who help your spiritual progress are your true kith and kin. Without God’s grace and the will of the Guru, you cannot get to meet him. When you touch the holy feet of the Guru, you will be transformed into a good human being. A Guru is the annihilator of all sins, sufferings, and adversity and coming into his scared company itself is a blessing of a lifetime.
Coming in the presence of such a great Guru is only due to the accumulated merits from your past births. Even Lord Shree Ram, the son of King Dasharath, an incarnation of God, of Knowledge itself, and a saviour of the Universe on whom the sages and the saints meditate all the time, even he has to learn under the tutelage of his Guru Vashishta Muni. Similarly, Lord Shree Krsna, the Parabramhan Himself, had to learn under his Guru Sandipani – brave great hardships, carrying logs of wood and fulfilling every task ordained by his Guru. Besides, Lord Krsna has taught that He bows down to those devotees who have surrendered unto the Lotus Feet of their Guru. Therefore, the only way of attaining God Realization is through the grace of the divine Master, who is none other than the Parabramha Himself – ‘Gurur Sakshat Parabramha.’
With the Grace of my KrsnaGuruji, I have been able to pen this most wonderful story from Sai SatCharita in a string of words. Thank you for reading, and do watch out for my next blog about “Motherly Love of Saibaba.”
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